The QInfo Inria team in Lyon/Grenoble is inviting applications for postdoctoral researcher positions as well as PhD positions in quantum information theory and related areas, in particular mathematical optimization.

The current faculty members of QInfo include Alastair Abbott, Guillaume Aubrun, Omar Fawzi, Daniel Stilck França and Mischa Woods. The team webpage contains more details on the activities of the team.

Do you hold a W1 assistant professorship (with or without Tenure Track) or are you an ambitious leader of a
junior research group (e.g., Emmy Noether, ERC Starting Grant, or similar)? Are you working in the natural or
engineering sciences, medicine or psychology? Are you aiming for obtaining a full professorship or

The nanoelectronics theory groups at Forschungszentrum Juelich and RWTH Aachen are looking for highly motivated candidates to fill a Ph.D. position. The candidate will conduct research on theoretical aspects of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and quantum processors using quantum information theory. Dr. Ansari will supervise the projects and collaborate with leading experimental groups.

Open Positions for Postdocs and PhDs
(Photonic quantum computing in Taiwan)

Photonic linear optical networks are a promising platform for quantum information processing. The challenge in universal photonic quantum computing is its scalability. To scale up photonic quantum computing, one will need to achieve the stability of photonic sources, the tunability of linear optical interferometers, and the efficiency of photon number resolving detectors. All these requirements can be met in integrated photonics.

We are looking for an enthusiastic student to join us for a PhD in Oslo. The position is for 3 years and it will be within the group of operator algebra at the University of Oslo on a topic related to non-locality and quantum entanglement.

For more details see:


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