Title |
Application deadline |
Job type |
PhD programme admissions in the Centre for Quantum Engineering, Research and Education (CQuERE), TCG CREST, Kolkata |
31/05/2023 |
PhD |
A postdoctoral position on superconducting quantum processors in Research Centre of Juelich PGI-2, Germany |
01/07/2023 |
PostDoc |
Fully-funded PhD position at RWTH and Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany |
01/07/2023 |
PhD |
Postdoctoral positions at QIT@KAIST, South Korea |
25/05/2023 |
PostDoc |
Postdoctoral position in quantum information theory in Toulouse |
06/01/2023 |
PostDoc |
Faculty Position at the Cyprus Institute with Specialization in Computation-based Science and Technology (ref. no. CYI_FP_23_05) |
11/06/2023 |
Professorship |
Assistant Professor in Quantum Computing (ref. no. CYI_ASP_23_03) |
31/05/2023 |
Professorship |
PhD position in Quantum Communication and Decoding |
31/05/2023 |
PhD |
Group leader and postdoc positions in free-space and satellite-based quantum communication |
08/01/2023 |
PostDoc, Professorship |
Professor in Silicon Nano Fabrication of MEMS |
31/05/2023 |
Professorship |
PhD position on Theory of Quantum Devices |
30/06/2023 |
PhD |
Advertisement for faculty positions at CQuERE, TCG CREST, Kolkata (India) |
Professorship |
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Mathematics & Quantum Technologies |
21/05/2023 |
Professorship |
PhD Position in Quantum Info/Computing at Brunel University London with S Virmani |
26/05/2023 |
PhD |
Postdoctoral position in quantum entanglement theory (ULiège, Belgium) |
01/06/2023 |
PostDoc |
PhD and Postdoc in Berlin on Photon sources for quantum information and communication technology |
25/05/2023 |
PhD, PostDoc |
Vacancy in cutting-edge research in an European research project waits for a talented postdoc or a PhD graduate |
05/05/2023 |
PostDoc |
PhD position in Quantum information with rare-earth ions (Lund University) |
17/05/2023 |
PhD |
Professor in Quantum Technologies |
21/05/2023 |
Professorship |
PhD in Superconducting Quantum Devices: Spin Resonance With Squeezed Microwaves |
31/05/2023 |
PhD |