
Titlesort descending Application deadline Job type
PhD and postdoc positions in molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision spectroscopy and molecular physics at the University of Basel (Switzerland) PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoc positions in molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision spectroscopy at the University of Basel 01/05/2023 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoc positions in molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision spectroscopy at the University of Basel (Switzerland) 31/12/2023 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and Postdoc positions in nonequilibrium quantum dynamics group 15/05/2024 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoc positions in quantum computing 15/09/2022 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and Postdoc positions in Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Many-Body Physics 23/04/2023 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoc positions in quantum information/foundations at Université Libre de Bruxelles 10/07/2011 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and Postdoc positions in Quantum Optics 27/10/2024 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoc positions in theory of quantum computing in Paris 21/08/2023 Fellowship, PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoc positions in theory of quantum computing in Paris 01/11/2022 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and Postdoc Positions on "Quantum Theory of Network Communication" at Duesseldorf & Cologne 15/01/2019 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and Postdoc Positions on Nanophotonics and Quantum Optics in QNanoLight 10/01/2022 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and Postdoc Positions on Nanophotonics and Quantum Technologies 31/10/2021 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and Postdoc Positions on Symmetries and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation (ERC Project) 10/07/2023 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and PostDoc positions on the fiber interconnect of remote trapped ion experiments 31/07/2021 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and Postdoc positions on the physics of neutral atoms in optical tweezers and lattices in Tuebingen, Germany 28/02/2023 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoc-level positions in quantum and classical algorithms for optimization 15/10/2021 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoctoral position in the theory of hybrid quantum devices 30/09/2023 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoctoral positions at Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ulm 01/09/2019 PhD, PostDoc
PhD and postdoctoral positions at Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ulm 15/01/2019 PhD, PostDoc
