Title |
Application deadline |
Job type |
Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Quantum Optics |
31/03/2018 |
PostDoc |
PhD in cold atom theory at IF PAN, Warsaw, Poland |
31/05/2018 |
PhD |
PostDoc in cold atom theory at IF PAN, Warsaw, Poland |
15/04/2018 |
PostDoc |
PhD position in Quantum Sensing with Trapped Rydberg Ions at Stockholm University |
02/03/2018 |
PhD |
Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantum Photonics |
28/02/2018 |
PostDoc |
Postdoc in quantum dot integration with optical nanofibres at OIST, Japan |
15/03/2018 |
PostDoc |
Postdoc or staff scientist positions in experimental cold atoms at OIST, Japan |
15/03/2018 |
PostDoc |
Senior Researcher, PostDoc positions, and MSc/PhD stipends available at “A next-generation worldwide quantum sensor network with optical atomic clocks” |
03/09/2018 |
Other, PhD, PostDoc, Professorship |
PostDoc position in theoretical quantum information |
21/02/2018 |
PostDoc |
Tenure track lectureship at the University of Malta |
09/03/2018 |
Professorship |
Postdoc position in quantum metrology |
18/03/2018 |
PostDoc |
Self-organized magnetic and density ordering of cold atoms via light mediated interactions |
11/02/2018 |
PhD |
PhD position in philosophy of physics / metaphysics of science |
07/02/2018 |
PhD |
Optical clock project leader |
07/12/2018 |
Other |
PhD position - theory of superconducting circuits and related quantum technologies |
31/05/2018 |
PhD |
Hardiman PhD scholarships - theoretical quantum computing - National University of Ireland, Galway |
16/02/2018 |
PhD |
PostDoc position Study of magic and magic-zero wavelength in optical lattice clocks with blue-detuned lattice |
28/02/2018 |
PostDoc |
Phd position in Quantum Error Correction in Grenoble Alpes University (CEA/LIG) |
11/04/2018 |
PhD |
PostDoc positions in experimental quantum optics and quantum information processing in KIST, Korea |
31/03/2018 |
PostDoc |
Theory Post-doc position QUANTERA 21 DYNAMITE: Next generation quantum simulators: For DYNAMIcal gauge fields to lattice gauge ThEories |
15/06/2022 |
PostDoc |