Title |
Application deadline |
Job type |
Postdoctoral Appointee - Quantum Information Science |
15/12/2020 |
PostDoc |
Postodctoral fellow in quantum dynamics at meso-scale in Belfast |
23/11/2020 |
PostDoc |
Postoctoral fellow at Queen's University Belfast |
30/11/2020 |
PostDoc |
Postdoc in theory of quantum computation (Galway) |
19/11/2020 |
PostDoc |
ML4Q Undergraduate Research Internship |
04/12/2020 |
Other |
Senior Postdoc/Staff Scientist in Experimental Magnetic Trapping |
31/12/2020 |
Other, PostDoc |
Faculty opening in quantum information theory at Université de Sherbrooke |
14/12/2020 |
Professorship |
15 phd positions in Quantum Science in an Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network |
30/06/2021 |
PhD |
Tenure-track Assistant Professor - Tier 2 CRC in Quantum Algorithms |
01/12/2020 |
Professorship |
A PhD and a Postdoctoral position on Quantum Science and Technology at the University of Luxembourg |
20/11/2020 |
PhD, PostDoc |
Post-doctoral position in quantum simulators and quantum machine learning |
30/11/2020 |
PostDoc |
PhD Position at the Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies in Warsaw, Poland |
30/11/2020 |
PhD |
Tenure-track faculty positions at Portland State University welcome applicants in quantum computing |
31/12/2020 |
Professorship |
Quantum Simulation of Batteries |
21/11/2020 |
PhD |
Quantum Optimisation |
21/11/2020 |
PhD |
Postdoc & PhD Position in Quantum Information Theory (Siegen/Germany) |
21/11/2021 |
PhD, PostDoc |
Postdoc (QIT, QC, QCrypto) in Yukawa Institute, Kyoto, Japan |
31/12/2020 |
PostDoc |
Postdoc position on Quantum Information with interface with Condensed Matter, Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics in Niterói, RJ-Brazil |
31/12/2020 |
PostDoc |
Postdoc position at U. Chicago |
15/12/2020 |
PostDoc |
PhD | PostDoc: Quantum Information Theory (Düsseldorf, Germany) |
15/11/2020 |
PhD, PostDoc |